Agio Ratings helps firms with digital asset exposure price risk intelligently
We analyze the probability of default for the largest players in digital assets. Our approach analyzes over 1,000 variables assembled from on-chain and off-chain data sources. When it comes to predicting defaults, Agio Ratings’ models perform as well as the leading corporate default risk models in traditional finance.
We’ve designed our rating process to be more efficient, precise, and quantitative than that of a traditional rating agency. Our approach applies data-driven methods that predict a firm’s future financial performance under a range of scenarios. The result is comprehensive risk analysis that can give counterparties, investors, and creditors greater confidence in their decisions.
We monitor signals of distress across 80 liquidity providers. Our approach is designed to detect meaningful deviations in the variables that are correlated with short-term default risk.
Enhance your understanding of risk management in digital assets with Agio’s Risk Insights.